1859 Meeting Minutes of the Congregational Association of Oregon


1859 Meeting Minutes of the Congregational Association of Oregon


One part of a record book compiled by the Congregational Association of Oregon, with this part containing the minutes of the annual meeting held in 1859. The Association's members were church ministers and other delegates from Oregon and bordering areas. They met annually to share reports, promote Christian education, support special projects and address internal disputes. Some of the topics covered in this part of the record book include: -- Acceptance of routine reports; -- Resolutions in favor of religious education and Pacific University; -- Resolution concerning the Plan of Union of the Congregational and Presbyterian churches; resolution recommending that the U.S. Superintendent of Indian Affairs appoint Henry Spalding as a teacher to the Nez Perce tribe; -- Resolution in support of Cushing Eells going to Wailatpu to establish a new college, to be named the "Whitman Seminary" [this would become Whitman College]; -- Resolution in favor of sending a representative to the East Coast; -- Resolution affirming that the Association would not grant membership to any ministers who allowed pro-slavery preachers to speak at their churches; -- Resolution against the validity of divorce; -- Resolution regarding treatment of church members who had committed offenses; -- "Narrative of Churches," describing how ministers should continue to preach regardless of public disapproval, and also noting a recent revival and conversions in Forest Grove and condemning "entertainments"; -- Amendments to the Association's constitution; -- Resolution against dancing.

Date: Display








Pacific University Archives

