28th Meeting of U.S. and European Parliament Photograph


28th Meeting of U.S. and European Parliament Photograph


A photograph of the 28th Meeting of the U.S. and European Parliament in Madrid, Spain.

It originally appeared in an AuCoin family scrapbook documenting U.S. House Speaker Jim Wright's visit to Spain, the Soviet Union, and the Federal Republic of Germany in April 1987. The congressional delegation included Representative Les AuCoin and his wife Sue. Other members of congress on the trip included Tony Coelho, Dick Cheney, Jim Howard, Les Aspin, John Paul Hammerschmidt, Jim Scheuer, Lawrence Coughlin, Ralph Regula, Carrol Hubbard, Tom Downey, Norm Dicks, Wes Watkins, Mickey Leland, Steny Hoyer, Esteban Torres, and Sherwood Boehlert.

The AuCoin family loaned the scrapbook to Pacific University Archives in 2022 for digitization, and the scrapbook remains with the AuCoin family. This is one of a collection of digitized objects from the Les AuCoin Papers (MS.147) at the Pacific University Archives. AuCoin served in the Oregon House of Representatives (1971-1975) and in the United States House of Representatives from Oregon's 1st District (1975-1993).

Date Created

April 11, 1987

Is Part Of

Les AuCoin Papers






Still Image