House consideration for HR3090 - the Family Planning Amendments Act of 1992 video recording


House consideration for HR3090 - the Family Planning Amendments Act of 1992 video recording


A video recording primarily featuring House consideration for HR 3090, the Family Planning Amendments Act of 1992. At the 28:33 minute mark, Congressman Les AuCoin appears on the House floor and advocates for the bill, sharing how "the board of Planned Parenthood of Columbia Willamette in Oregon voted to give up its half a million dollar Title X grant, one quarter of its budget, rather than comply with the institutional, medical malpractice that the White House, through the gag rule is imposing on this country. Why is medical malpractice government imposed? Because healthcare professionals at Title X programs are not permitted to give pregnant women the information they need to make informed medical decisions. That's wrong, we can stop that by passing this bill." From the 30 minute mark on is miscellaneous house remarks unrelated to a singular piece of legislation. At the 38 minute mark, Congressman AuCoin discusses corporate greed, discussing how, despite the fact that the US was experiencing a relatively poor economy with high unemployment, corporate executive compensation had only risen; he asserts that the "the Securities and Exchange Commission should require full disclosure of financial packages to the shareholders of these companies."
This is a digitized version of an analog videorecording from the Les AuCoin Papers (MS.147) at the Pacific University Archives. AuCoin served in the Oregon House of Representatives (1971-1975) and in the United States House of Representatives from Oregon's 1st District (1975-1993).



Date: Display



(1 video file: 50 min, 7 s)



Pacific University Archives


