Subject is exactly
Environmental policy
"Don't Get Hosed by Political Firefighters: How Political Framing Influences Fire Policy" essay
2005-2009 -
Extensions of Remarks containing letters regarding Reagan Administration's proposals to sell Oregon public lands
September 14, 1982 -
Testimony before the House Interior Subcommittee on Public Lands and National Parks regarding RARE II
December 6, 1982 -
Remarks delivered at a lunch hosted by the Izaak Walton League in Portland
October 29, 1982 -
NBC News story on the Oregon "timber summit" video recording
1989 -
Speech regarding the "Department of Energy's Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the Disposal of Hanford High-Level Defense Wastes"
July 10, 1986 -
Letter to a congressional colleague regarding Northwest regional power legislation, proposed amendment
February 16, 1980 -
Statement for Extension of Remarks regarding timberland legislation (rough draft)
September 25, 1980 -
Letter addressed to a friend regarding support for Bottle Bill legislation
April 24, 1980 -
Statement before the Subcommittee on Monopolies and Commercial Law regarding Bottle Bill legislation H.R. 3567, H.R. 3573
April 24, 1980 -
Congressional testimony in support of H.R. 12927 amendments
1979 -
Letter to congressional colleague in support of H.R. 39, the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act
May 1, 1978 -
Speech before the U.S. House of Representatives on S.1360, an amendment on Section 14(e) of the National Forest Management Act of 1976
February 6, 1978 -
"Amendments to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act" Speech before the House Committee on Public Works and Transportation
September 19, 1977 -
Speech on the Bull Run Reserve Before the Subcommittee on Indian Affairs and Public Lands
July 25, 1977 -
"World Trade Week Address"
May 27, 1977 -
"A Solution for the Bull Run Watershed" Congressional Speech
May 6, 1977 -
"Energy: the Sameness of our Task" Speech
April 13, 1977 -
Environment position papers
1980-1984 -
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act colleague letter
1980 -
Letter from Columbia River Gorge Commission to Representative Les AuCoin
2006 -
Letter to Representative Les AuCoin from Christopher Brown, Conservation Director at American Rivers
1986 -
Representative Les AuCoin at the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
1987 -
Dr. Eldon Hout testifies before U.S. House Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies