Spatial Coverage is exactly
Washington, D.C.
"Claims vs. fact on the MX Missile" press release
1983 -
"AuCoin Says MX Should be Scrapped" press release
1983 -
"A vote against MX is not a vote against Geneva" colleague letter
1985 -
Cartoon about MX Missiles
1983-1988 -
Signed copy of House Joint Resolution on nuclear weapons freeze and reduction
1983 -
"Stop the MX Emergency Lobby" Flyer
1988 -
Letter awarding Representative Les AuCoin the Herbert Scoville Award from the Union of Concerned Scientists
1988 -
"AuCoin Ready to Kick Ankles for Abortion Rights" article in the Washington Post
1989 -
President Jimmy Carter celebrates signing a bill
1980 -
President Jimmy Carter signs a bill
1980 -
Letter to Representative Les AuCoin from Christopher Brown, Conservation Director at American Rivers
1986 -
Letter to Representative Les AuCoin from David Cohen, President of the Professionals' Coalition for Nuclear Arms Control
1984 -
Speech and statement file index
1975-1992 -
McCarthy for President Sticker
1968 -
Eugene McCarthy portrait
1968 -
Oregon Delegation group portrait
1979 -
Pro-Choice march led by AuCoin family and congressional colleagues
1985-1989 -
Representative Les AuCoin and wife Sue arrive for the Christmas Ball
1975 -
Representative Les AuCoin leads a staff meeting
1975 -
Representative Les AuCoin conferring with House Speaker Jim Wright on the House Floor
1989 -
AuCoin family ice skating
1975-1979 -
Freshman of the House Banking Committee group portrait
1975 -
AuCoin family in their empty Washington D.C. apartment
1975 -
AuCoin family in their Washington D.C. apartment