Letter from Ann about a family death, illness, and boarding college students


Letter from Ann about a family death, illness, and boarding college students


Letter from Ann to her aunt, Mary Denison Lyman. She discusses a family death, winter illness, and college student boarding in her home.



Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








Pacific University Archives





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Middlebury Jan 28th ‘62

My dear Aunt Mary

It is so long since I received your letter – asking me to write you that perhaps you have forgotten it before this – but I have been mailing to send my disguise [?] when I draft and many things have hindered y having it taken till this winter. I perceive that Auntie lola has written you of our sad loss here our darling and pet [?] + death.

It is the first time our family which has been broken by death it – it seems as if we could not have have at to – he must come back to us – but we know that we can only go to him – if God will accept us – that should be sufficient for us.

[?] died the 17th of December of of that awful disease Diphtheria He was sick but five day.

Other’s health is quite poor this winter; she has bronchial troubles – and poor health in general, yet she keeps up + as you are acquainted with her it is needless to say that she wont own to being sick nor will she ever complain. She has not been out of our yard this winter yet – and I fear she wont be able to toll warmer weather comes in. Last winter did not even go to church from Nov. till March. Father is as well as usual – though Jammie’s health has affected him very much. We have all been troubled considerably with Low throats – this winter – and our “Kind girl” – had a severe attack of Diptheria.

We have a very pleasant situation here in Midd. Though things are near as in a new country – that we miss bees, that perhaps we should find erect you a new place. Father and Willie have set out a great any trees – both for fruit and shade trees – though it will be long before we have much shade I fear

Willie – (your boy) is quite a tall chap now – though he has’nt overtaken his sister. For I am five ft six + quarter inches is’nt that late enough?

Everyone says the Anderotype is’nt very like me – but it was the best I could get- I never have success in pictures.

They + I made many rain exertions to have ours taken together last minute – but finally we’ve had to have the separate.
Father has had letters from Uncles [?] and Francis lately. Neither wrote any particular news – Uncle L is still in [?] which is on a far. Cousin Lawrence has lost An oldest child. Uncle L wrote that his [?] (John Taylor) was out of employment now. Lucy and I have made a [?] with James [?] to go to Oregon sometime lo Aunt Mary perhaps we shall surprise you sometime. Though I don’t know as we may actually in earnest. Little Lucy and could lead there perhaps. I am always talking of teaching but find to much business at home - to leave – We manage to have a large family of boarders all the tie. This winter we have five – college students. Some have boarded here so long that seem like ‘our folks’ almost.

Grandma Robinson lives with us still – you heard I presume of Grandpa’s death last March. Aunt Mary aren’t you ever coming east? If you could only bring your family by telegraph here how nice it would be – I think you must long to see me someties.

It seems to me that I could hardly live away from our old Green mountains they seem quite near us here, then we can see the Adisondae. [?] of us.

How are all those little cousins in Oregon I hope cousin Sarah will not feel insulted at my saying ‘little’ cousins – I know that the ambition of [?] [?] very persons is to be old – Please give much to all. I should dearly love to receive a letter from Sarah – Father and other send Love –

Ever your affectionate niece
