Letter from Edward M. Atkinson asking for insurance information


Letter from Edward M. Atkinson asking for insurance information


Letter from Edward M. Atkinson to Reverend Horace Lyman. He inquires after information for insurance purposes.


Atkinson, Edward M.

Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








Pacific University Archives





Other Media

NEW YORK, March 19, 1880.

Rev. Prof. Lyman
Kellogg, Iowa,

Dear Sir:

Yours of the 11th was rece’d this morning, It has lain in the New York Post Office six days.

You say that one of the Denisons tells you “that the descendants of William” Hyde of Norwich, the ancestor of the Denisons, “is not the William Hyde through whom “the fortunes are to come. Please ask “Mr Parks particularly whether or not in “his view the descendants of William Hyde “of Norwich Or., are those who can properly “claim the Hyde Fortunes.” I asked Parks that question by showing to hi the part quoted. He says he can’t tell; the Denisons in America are descendants of this William Hyde. General Army, descends from a William Hyde in England Mr. Parks does as to what line of descent will get the Hyde prize. Parks said to me this morning that the more they got into the Ass. The merrier and the more likelihood of some of the being the Hyde heirs

It amounts to about this: no one knows anything definitely as to amount of the unclaimed property or as to heirs to such property. The Association is, I guess, proposing to follow the matter till it gets some such definite information

The Insurance surrender clerk says that the last payment had not been reported a few days ago when he looked. He asked me whether the last payment was made before or after the last payment was due. How is that?

He has the number of policy still on his list of inquiries and tells me to call again when I have received the papers you say William is to send me.

The Insurance clerks says that a divided receipt or draft, -filled up- was given out over their desk here in December last to some one, on the policy No. 152,782.(which is your policy.)

He says ask you if that receipt or draft was signed and used by you in payment of premium. ) It was printed in red ink on banknote paper and had the number, amount, + c., of policy) They require it returned to the if it was not so used. If it was used, that will account for its whereabouts. It’s in the nature of an order for so much money on the, and they therefore must receive it back if it was not used by you.

I know nothing about such a paper wasn’t it given to you or to that man with whom you consulted when you first visited the office here. Id you did receive it, and retain it, it should be sent to me with the rest of the papers.

Please let me know the facts about this matter, + let William state the facts of the last payment + forward me the last receipt of the Agent at Portland.

Yours very truly, Edward M Atkinson.