Letter from Ada Coburn on vacations and Pacific University's commencement


Letter from Ada Coburn on vacations and Pacific University's commencement


Letter from Ada Coburn, probably to one of the Lyman daughters. She discusses vacation possibilities and attending Pacific University's commencement ceremony.


Coburn, Ada

Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








Pacific University Archives





Other Media

Portland May 2/-78

My dear Friend,

After waiting so long that I am almost ashamed to write at all, I finally have an opportu-nity to answer your letter of “the long long ago_” for I have forgotten the date and that is appropriate.

I expect you think Elvia was correct when she said that I was bad abut writing, but I want to tell you how she does. I wrote to her before I did wrote my first to you and she has not answered it yet. Need she talk?

Almost two weeks since your flying visit to Portland, and two weeks more will bring you out of school an accomplished young lady. I wonder if you girls cant still be called “bread and butter school girls.” Or is it too late for that? I think that perhaps I can come out to the Grove the in Monday before Commencement. I am very anxious for the time to draw near.

You have your pictures before this, haven’t you? Are they good? Remember to save one for me.

Our school lasts only four weeks longer, for which I am truly thankful. I am very tired of teaching and will give a hearty wel-come to vacation. I still have 108 children in my room.

Oh yes I heard that Ms J- had one away, never to come back. Of course it is only rumor. His hair I believe was getting to long and he dident like to re-main where he was known

Where do you propose to spend you vacation? At home or abroad? I am would like to go to Wasco County again this summer. Miss Frary –my hum- and myself were talking to-day of how nice it would be to go to Albany and have some one meet us there with horses and go in that way across the mountains.

Don’t you think it would be nice? If w

But it is near supper time and I must close. Give my regards to all who enquire after me, and write as soon.

Hoping to see you before long. I am
Your Friend
A Coburn

P.S. Can you meet me at the station at Smiths if I let you know what day I will be out? I shall be glad to have company for that walk.

Ada Coburn