Letter from Addison Lyman on lectures and family news


Letter from Addison Lyman on lectures and family news


Letter from Addison Lyman to his brother, Reverend Horace Lyman. He discusses Horace's lectures and family news.


Lyman, Addison

Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








Pacific University Archives





Other Media

Kellog Jasper Co. Iowa Dec 3rd/78

My dear [¿] H.

A Little singular that we have had no correspondence since we [?] in S. Hampton , I have [?] notice of some of your efforts at lecturing. [?] [?] [?] think that I wrote you a letter [?] [?] . Did I not? If no then I am all right and [?] to have had an answer for you , it may be [?] that my letter was to[?] at any rate I wrote to [?] [?] how have yet been since my [?] from he [?] and where have you been? I hope you will write me as soon as may [?] and give me all the information you may have in [?] by yourself and your plans for the months to come.

I [?] some days very pleasantly and [?] with effort and his wife. [?] is doing very well, I think in every aspect. [?] was also there it [?] , baby is a very large fine boy now more than three months old. [?] three months he [?] nearby is that Maggie came home with [?] spent more than two weeks with us. Elbert came after [?] and [?] [?] [?] Saturday and Monday here.

She [?] since spend a [?] of weeks with her aunt and davenport with whom she spent several years [?] to her marriages.

I have just received the balance of the money due from [?] amounting to $11.50. this I hold [?] to your order I will send it to you or keep it here for you and pay it over on your return home.

By the way just understand that you will be welcome to return here just as soon as you shall find pleasant for you to do so, and remain just as long as you [?]

We are all except [?] in our usual health, he has some [?] and is threatened with pneumonia, our kind regards to all the [?].

Yours sincerely
A. Lyman