Letter from Addison Lyman on collecting a debt and his brother's health


Letter from Addison Lyman on collecting a debt and his brother's health


Letter from Addison Lyman to his brother, Reverend Horace Lyman. He discusses collecting money owed to Horace and inquiring after his brother's recent illness.


Lyman, Addison

Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








Pacific University Archives





Other Media

Kellogg Jasper Co. Iowa Jan. 13/75

My dear Br. Horace

Willie wrote me a few weeks since from Washington Territory saying that he found you there quite sick with fever and directing me to send the money on [Pricks?] note to Forest Grove.

There was some delay in obtaining the money from Culbertson and I found after the money came that there was a mistake and there was some $12.00 less than there should be. I wrote immediately to correct the mistake and have written again but as yet have not received the rest of the money which is due. There is lacking the interest of one year 1875-6 with the intent on that for those years and this, would make interest - $9.34

Interest on interest 2yrs $1,868

amount $11.208

$11.21 is still behind, I hope to receive it soon, in the mean time I send $100.00 enclosed by draft on [?], as I thought you might be in immediate need of it. The account is as follows, viz..

Received of John [Pricks?] Jr.

W.L. Culbertson $113.84

Fee for recording power of attorney 1.00

Collecting 1.00

Postage and exchange .45

Draft $100.00


In my hands 11.39

Still due but not received 11.21

Amount $22.60

I regret very much your sickness and hope you are well or nearly well by this time. I'm glad you [?] your children ministering to your wants. I am not informed what your [labor ?] in W.T. is or whether it was preaching or teaching. You will have to make your labor if possible in accordance with your own strength and not overtask your ability physically or mentally. I shall be anxious to learn of your health as soon as possible. Is Willie engaged this year in the Pacific University and if so in what capacity? We have had very severe weather since N. Year's day, though it is now more mild. Jan. 2 the mercury was -25 at sunrise -13 the warmest part of the day and 3rd -25; at sunrise and -23; on the 4th and -17; on the 5th. Our love to all your dear family.

Your dear br[other]

A. Lyman