Letter from Addison Lyman on real estate and climate


Letter from Addison Lyman on real estate and climate


Letter from Addison Lyman to his brother, Reverend Horace Lyman. He discusses the climate and real estate.


Lyman, Addison

Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








Pacific University Archives





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Geneses Henry April 21st 1852

My dear brother

I have long intended to write you but [?] [?] for the [?] reasons that my time had been very much occupied since my return from the east now more than six months, I have received but one letter from you and that came in on January. I have [?] need a letter written by yourself sometime in January to the home friends. It came in the gazette. This was better than nothing but I should like to get more than one letter a year from my dear brother Horace. I see by your letter that you continue to hold the country of your residence almost a Paradise to the farmers. Well I hope is will prove to be so, but you should not be too [?] without a longer [?] where you are, [?] there should be development which will naturally change your own opinions in regard to the matter as well as there of your [?] in that far off land. I came to Ill during a sickly season and it continued so for more than a year after my arrival hence we began to [?] Ill a very sickly climate, but my own experience for the last five years has convinced me that sickness here is [?] as well as elsewhere and not much not much more frequent than in N. England in such situations as the one in which [Providence?] has cast my lot. So, [?] in may [?] in [?]. Part experience has shown that the most of countries which are distinguished by a wet season and a dry are not among the most healthy that are found in the same latitude. I am aware that your latitude is favorable for health, as well as an [?] temperature. I say not this [?] I don’t desire that your climate may [?] the most healthy in the world, but from a conviction that you need a long time to make a deduction which may be realized [?} as substantially correct.

I am very anxious to hear from you and from your family. How is Sister Mary? How the little daughter Lanas? [?] should rejoice to see you all and learn all your movements how you busy yourselves from day to day. My time has been practically occupied since my return from the east in [?]. May 6th I have waited there long before sealing this letter not because I did with to send it [?] but my voarious calls have guaranteed raise funds to [wable?] us to put up our young ladies boarding house. It seems to [?] [?] [?] [?] to [?] with mind and body, which I [?] not me can do to much better advantage than we could do were not we [?] [?] with a good continuations.

Our subscription for the boarding house amounts [?] to near $700 [?] home and some $400 abroad. One abroad [?] loaned [?] has given us a site worth some $200, two [?]. The value of property has much increased within one year, my own real estate in common with that of those around me. We have more [?] nearly ready to go forward with building, the site fixed [?] some of the lumber engaged and more to be engaged soon. We only need the blessing of our heavenly Father to enable us to go forward with [?] and with success in our work. And this one thing I can [?] cheerfulness and had declare, that “[?] [?] had not been the [?] that had been our own pride.” The work would not have come to its [?] [?] indifference. For the [?] in [?] [?] had not been insignificant. But the lord has overruled it all and shows that he is above all, in this matter our seminary [?] dedicated in Christ.