Letter from James Lyman on saving, handkerchiefs from Mary, and family bonds


Letter from James Lyman on saving, handkerchiefs from Mary, and family bonds


Letter from James Lyman to his father and sister. He discusses saving money for himself and his father, handkerchiefs from his sister, and his bond with her.


Lyman, James

Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








Pacific University Archives





Other Media

Walla Walla, Nov. 4th

Dear Father and Sister,

H. has been writing about my returning home and cap. [?] taking my place this year.

He speaks perhaps more definitively than I have yet reached, yet things tend a little that way. The situation is just this. If I can get the extra $400, so as to leave $800 for father, and have $800 for myself, and if cap. [?] concludes that he can go in here with H. I think likely it will be best for we to go. I don’t know if that it will be of so much advantage to new airs her, since they have fogs in the winter which must be as bad as our rains.

Just as soon as I know about that $400, I shall be prepared to make a definite decision. I think it will be better for father to rest this year. He will not for sometime be able to do any work satisfactory.

I shall Judge Boise and Mr. Dickerson about it and perhaps also Mr. Atikinson and see what they would be wiling to do. I planned to put all my letter in one sheet but was unable to do so. I wish to thank you Mary for your very desirable present to me, the handkerchiefs with my name inscribe onto them in indelible. I have waited this long in speaking of it because I did not happen to think of it when I was writing. But I think of you every time my eye lights on them. I don’t know I might have thought of just as often if you had not sent them, but they are the proof that you thought of me, and so when I see them I think of you as thinking of me, and that is not an egotistical feeling. It merely shows that when one of our tendrils clasped that of the some other person, and our tendril is very strong, we like to know that that of the other person is very strong to. A proof of the mentality of this love is very acceptable and all the more so the less actually need there is of it. Only when we have some thing that we praise very much, we always want to see it increasing. You letters have been a good love to me, I have read them over and over, always rejoicing in them more. When you have thoughts of the shadows of the mountains and the like always send them. They do me good. When one is a “bit low” his faith and hope ebb a little. The question last is the use of it all, does not receive so purify our answer. Not that I have been a “bit low” by means. Only it does me good to see the faith shinning like a star out of someone else’s mind, if that someone else is you.

(The following was found on top of the third page)
Potatoes, Gem cakes, boiled beef: morning
Rice pudding . noon. I usually eat six to eight gems at a meal.