Letter from James Lyman on finances and rooming arrangements


Letter from James Lyman on finances and rooming arrangements


Letter from James Lyman to his brother Reverend Horace Lyman. He discusses finances and rooming arrangements for himself and family members.


Lyman, James

Is Part Of

Lyman Family Papers








Pacific University Archives





Other Media

Walla Walla Nov 13th

Again we have lost our [?] and are floating in the rough waters of doubt and uncertainty. [?][?] concluded not to take the place!!! There are only a two ways out of the trouble unless they are also [?][?]. First to get on [?] from the Grove. I don’t know of anyone that would be likely to come from this Elvin has no school. I suppose but W. would not wish her to come anywhere. I [?] Laura would come. On perhaps many [Eaton] would resign there place to Elvin and so come. W. would pay at least $45. 00 per month, and perhaps the fare one way. Board is so high that there ways might be no inducement. About $25 per month would go for board. $20 [?] for 5 months would be only $100.

If you could get anyone you might even offer $50 per month, what W. offered Alice. It would pay us if one of us has to go home to hive even more than that. But you neednot make bargain for more than that. If you find anyone wishing to take it for 45 or 50 let it be telegraphed at once as we are in a hurry. If you find one willing to take it for more than that; telegraph the person and price. In any case you need not make a person but bargain with one telegraph back. If you get me for $45, just say “$45”, if for 45 and [?] are way, say “45 and fare”, “50” for me for fifty; and name the [?][?] it is about $50. Perhaps Mary E would like to try this climate. This winter weather is said to be healthy. If you do not succeed in getting any [me] you need not telegraph merely write. The other way out is the [?] arrangement, if I am not able to go to work next week W. can stay and take my place for a week or two. Our next term begins a week from today, and the [?][?] weeks later. So W. could stay a couple of weeks. I do not doubt that and of us will have to go home. If I went u feel sure that I could, if necessary, almost force the faculty into telling me do work and recommending me to be paid. To other would simply not be able, to [?][?][?] W. would [?] to leave this school. They [?] Levi and so I would be the only refuge and still I think I could make it for [?] intent to make this arrangement. But [?] W. can get an [?] he cannot go on here without me. We cannot both stay, and I might make this arrangement to stay without him. Hence, as there is no prospect of his on [?].

(The following is the writing upside down starting on page one)
If you can get L. or Mary E. to come up here for $50 per month, for four or five months, it might pay to telegraph at one. We want to follow.

If father is going to be well enough to teach H, and I might both stay. If you think we will be let us know at once.
By next Tuesday or Wed. I don’t suppose either of the girls can come, but you might speak of it. I guess the school will go the [old] [Harry] anyways.