1992 House consideration on defense spending bill and misc. topics video recording


1992 House consideration on defense spending bill and misc. topics video recording


A video recording primarily featuring US House of Representatives consideration footage for a defense spending bill in 1992. US Congressman AuCoin notably appears at the 14:50, 29:00, and 33:50 minute marks asserting that high, status quo military spending was unnecessary following the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. AuCoin instead advocates for investing in education programs such as Head Start and the Pell Grant program so that "our kids can acquire not only values but the kind of training that will meet the new threat, the threat in the 21st century, and that's a security threat." At the 1:01:20 minute mark, AuCoin uses a chart to criticize the structure of the federal budget in the 1980s, what he calls "the grand heist of the '80s. Where we had the largest transfer of wealth from the middle class and from the working poor to the richest of the rich, perhaps in my lifetime." At the 1:06:00 minute mark, in House footage from a separate day, AuCoin discusses the "junk bond king" Michael Milken financial scandal and Milken's settlement with federal banking regulators. At the 1:38:15 minute mark, AuCoin advocates for the northern spotted owl and expresses disappointment over the Bush administration's delay in implementing a recovery plan.
This is a digitized version of an analog videorecording from the Les AuCoin Papers (MS.147) at the Pacific University Archives. AuCoin served in the Oregon House of Representatives (1971-1975) and in the United States House of Representatives from Oregon's 1st District (1975-1993).



Date: Display



United States. Congress. House.
Legislators--United States


United States


(1 video file: 99 min, 57 s)




Pacific University Archives


