Spokane Indians, after seven months at school


Spokane Indians, after seven months at school


A group portrait of the second group of Spokane students taken to the Forest Grove Indian School from the band of Chief Lot. This photograph was taken in March 1882 at the Forest Grove Indian School campus after they had been enrolled there for seven months. Their names as given on the school roster were: Alice L. Williams; Florence Hayes; Suzette (or Susan) Secup; Julia Jopps; Louise Isaacs; Eunice Madge James; James George; Ben Secup; Frank Rice; and Garfield Hayes.

The Forest Grove Indian School Superintendent had this photograph made for fundraising and promotional purposes. It was intended to be paired with the "before" picture he had taken of the students when they enrolled in the school (see PUApic_008608.jpg). The intention behind the pair of photographs was to show how the school was assimilating Native children into white society, erasing their Native customs. Sadly, one girl in the first photograph, Chief Lot's daughter Martha Lot, died before this photograph was taken.

The general public could buy copies of this photograph for 50 cents per print, with the school earning 10 cents on each sale. The number "63" that appears on this photograph refers to the I.G. Davidson catalog, from which more photographs could be ordered. Tiny numerals written on the photograph apparently refer to a list of captions that no longer exists.
[front] Davidson. Photo. No. 63. Indian Training School, Forest Grove, Oregon,; New Recruits. - Spokane Indians, after Seven Months at School. Capt. M. C. Wilkinson, U. S. A., in Charge. [back] I. G. Davidson; Photographer; Portland, Oregon


Davidson, I. G., photographer

Date Created



Indian Training School (Chemawa, Salem, Or.)
Native Americans
Off-reservation boarding schools
Spokane Indians
Cultural Studies
Education History
Local & State History
Native American Studies
United States Politics & Government


Forest Grove, Oregon


card photographs






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Photo Image Collection, Pacific University Archives


Still Image