Wilkinson letter on sending a telegram with Atkinson's support


Wilkinson letter on sending a telegram with Atkinson's support


Letter dated November 13, 1879 from Capt. M. C. Wilkinson to Joseph W. Marsh. Marsh was a professor at Pacific University and was functioning as its interim president. Wilkinson was, at the time of writing this letter, serving as an aide-de-camp under General O.O. Howard with the U.S. Army Department of the Columbia, and also teaching military drills at Pacific University. Several months later, Wilkinson would begin working as the first superintendent of the Forest Grove Indian Training School, while concurrently serving as a professor of military science at Pacific University. In this letter, Wilkinson reports on sending a telegram after having consulted with Dr. Atkinson. Atkinson was the Secretary of Pacific University's Board of Trustees and was assisting with getting the Indian School started. Though this letter does not state to whom the telegram was sent, he may be referring to communications with the Office of the Secretary of the Interior about the Indian School. Wilkinson also tells Marsh when he will next be in Forest Grove to do drills.


Wilkinson, Melville C.


Off-reservation boarding schools
Native American Studies
Chemawa Indian School


Forest Grove, Oregon






Forest Grove Indian School Collection, Pacific University Archives



Other Media

Portland Oregon, Nov. 13th 1879.
Dear Profr. Marsh:
After consultation with Doctor Atkinson sent the following telegram viz - 'Telegram re'd. yesterday. All right. Will push things.'
Mr. Corbett has sickness in his family and it did not seem best to have only a very short conversation with him today. What with seeing him & Doctor A. again, writing important letters, it does not seem wise for me to return until next Monday. Can make the time till [heal?].
Fraternally yours,
M.C. Wilkinson