Further Reading

To learn more about the Forest Grove Indian School or related topics such as the overall development of the Native American boarding school system , see books and articles listed below. Note: These sources were compiled by the Pacific University Archivist, Eva Guggemos, in the course of research for her forthcoming book on the Forest Grove Indian School. For comments/questions, contact: archives@pacificu.edu

History of the Forest Grove Indian School

Bonnell, Sonciray. "Chemawa Indian Boarding School: The first one hundred years, 1880 to 1980." M.A.Thesis, Dartmouth College, 1997. Catalog Record.  | The majority of this thesis is on Chemawa School after it moved to Salem in 1885. A short portion relates to the years when the school was in Forest Grove (1880-5). 

Chemawa Indian School. "Chemawa History." Web page. Updated 2017. https://chemawa.bie.edu/history.htm | This brief history of the Forest Grove/Chemawa schools is hosted on the current Chemawa Indian School's web site. 

Collins, Cary C. "The broken crucible of assimilation: Forest Grove Indian School and the origins of off-reservation boarding-school education in the west." Oregon Historical Quarterly 101, no. 4 (2000): 466-507. www.jstor.org/stable/20615095 | A good article on the founding of the Forest Grove Indian School.

Eells, Myron. A brief history of the Forest Grove Indian School as it relates to Pacific University, within: A History of Tualatin Academy and Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon, 1848-1902. Typescript. 1904. p. 83-84. Digital version | This brief historical sketch notes Pacific's support for the Indian school, its successes, its removal to Salem, and the fate of the Indian school's buildings afterwards. 

Guggemos, Eva Rose. [History of the Forest Grove Indian School - book in progress.] Pacific University Press, publication date T.B.D. | This book concentrates on the history of the school from its founding through its move to Salem in 1885. Contact guggemos@pacificu.edu for information. 

Lemmon, Burton Carlyle. "The Historical Development of the Chemawa Indian School” (Thesis, M.S. Education, Oregon State University, 1941). ir.library.oregonstate.edu/jspui/handle/1957/8279 | This 1941 source contains outdated viewpoints, but is interesting as it was the first comprehensive history of the school by a non-employee. 

Maxwell Taylor, Arthur. "Tradition to Acculturation: A Case Study on the Impacts Created by Chemawa Indian School upon the Nez Perce Family Structure from 1879 to 1945." Loyola University Chicago: 2010. http://ecommons.luc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1518&context=luc_theses | This thesis was written by a Native descendant of alumni from the school, focusing on the experience of Nez Perce children both in Forest Grove and at the school's later location in Salem. 

Parkhurst, Melissa. 2014. To win the Indian Heart: Music at Chemawa Indian SchoolCatalog Record | This book focuses on the history of music education at Chemawa, with a small portion relating to the school when it was still in Forest Grove. 

Reddick, SuAnn M. "The Evolution of Chemawa Indian School: From Red River to Salem, 1825-1885." Oregon Historical Quarterly 101, no. 4 (2000): 444-465. www.jstor.org/stable/20615094 | Written by the former historian of Chemawa Indian School, this article provides a broad look at the connections between the Forest Grove Indian School and earlier efforts to convert and educate Natives.


History of the Native American Boarding School system

There are many active scholars currently working on histories of the residential school systems for indigenous peoples, not only in American history, but also in Canada, Australia, and other nations. This is a small selection of available books and articles on the topic. 

Adams, David Wallace. 1995. Education for extinction: American Indians and the boarding school experience, 1875-1928. Lawrence, Kan: Univ. Press of Kansas, 1995. Catalog record | This is often considered the canonical work on the history of Native American boarding schools in the United States. It provides a broad historical overview of how they came to be, with a special focus on the creation of the first federal off-reservation boarding school, the Carlisle Indian School. 

Hoxie, Frederick E. A final promise: The campaign to assimilate the Indians, 1880-1920. University of Nebraska Press, 1984. Catalog record | This was one of the books to attempt describing the overiall history of the boarding school system in America. It was influential in shaping the conversation about the history of forced assimilation of indigenous peoples. 

Lomawaima, K. Tsianina. "The Unnatural History of American Indian Education." In Next Steps: Research and Practice To Advance Indian Education. 1999. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED427903 | A book chapter written by a descendant of survivors of the boarding school system, with a critical examination of the tenets underlying the creation of the system. 

Margolis, Eric. "Looking at discipline, looking at labour: photographic representations of Indian boarding schools." Visual Studies 19, no. 1 (2004): 72-96. https://visualethnography.me/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Looking-at-Discipline-Looking-at-Labor.pdf  | An article that examines how/why photographs of Native American boarding school students were produced, with a special emphasis on the Carlisle Indian School. 

Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition. Web site. https://boardingschoolhealing.org | This non-profit organization that is by and for survivors and descendants of Native American boarding schools provides a database of historical resources as well as information on how the legacy of boarding schools continues to affect Natives today.

Woolford, Andrew. This benevolent experiment: Indigenous boarding schools, genocide, and redress in Canada and the United States. U of Nebraska Press, 2015. Catalog record | A recent comparative history of the boarding school systems in the U.S. and Canada. 

[More sources to be added!]