Portrait of A. T. Smith


Portrait of A. T. Smith


Portrait of Alvin Thompson (A. T.) Smith, early settler in Forest Grove. He was among the first to travel the Oregon Trail, was a board member of Tualatin Academy, and participated in the meeting at Champoeg that helped Oregon get on the road to statehood.
[Front] Towne & Moore. Cor. First and Morrison Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON. [Back] [handwritten] Alvin Thompson Smith; Born November 17th 1802; Married March 19th 1840 at Farfield [sic] Illinois to Miss Abigail Raymond who died April 17th 1848; On Oct 19th 1869 was married to Miss Jane Maria Averill at Branford Connecticut; Alvin Thompson Smith Died January 22nd 1888; Jane M. Smith Born 7th Aug-1833 Died 16th Dec-1929; [typed] DUPLICATE COPIES of this Negative will be supplied at any time at Reduced Rates. We make a SPECIALTY OF ENLARGING from Small Pictures to Life Size, in Crayon. E. W. Moore, Crayon Artist. Agents for Watkins' Celebrated Views of Northwest and Yellowstone Park Scenery. [handwritten] students and alumni S-T

Date Created

circa 1880





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