Madrigal singers at Pacific University


Madrigal singers at Pacific University


A group of six female and five male students from Pacific University in 1949. They were a group of madrigal singers who travelled across the Pacific Northwest to perform songs.
This photograph was featured in a December 1970 Pacific University alumni magazine article, which asked if any alumni remembered who or what event was pictured. Alumna Vangie M. Matta, class of 1951, wrote back with the following information: "I remember it well. Yes indeed, in 1949 we were 'doing our thing' by posing properly serious as we were told madrigal singers should. Shortly after this photo was taken we were presented with fine velveteen costumes for converts here and while touring the Northwest. Among those pictured are Phyllis Jahnsen Lund, Mariellen Bakke, Margaret Gaston Cooper, Gerry Wren Loper, Iris Roy Little, Ken Michener, Ed Grindsrud, Dean Matthews, our accompanist, Bob Geiger and missing was Jim Haight. Mr. James Carley was our director." (Pacific Today, June 1971, p. 33)
[back] Pacific Today Vol. 4 - No. 2 'Do You Remember Photo,' page 32

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