Medium is exactly
albumen prints
Portrait of Bump family
circa 1880s -
Outside Marsh Hall
1931 -
Portrait of Philip E. Bauer
circa 1910s -
Portrait of Joseph E. Kirkwood
circa 1915 -
Portrait of Blanche L. Bauer
circa 1910s -
Portrait of Belle Walker
circa 1910s -
Cast of a German Play
1899 -
Portrait of an older man taken in Salem
188[6 or 8?]-12-24 -
Formal portrait of an older woman
1891-08 -
Marsh family cabin
circa 1890s -
Portrait of S. H. Marsh
circa 1858 -
Elias Austin Bond or William Bond Portrait
1890-1893 -
Cabinet shop of I. L. Smith & Sons
circa 1880s-1890s -
Portrait of Charles Hall
circa 1870s -
Portrait of A. A. Lindsley
1891-06-02 -
Portrait of Wilhelmina Heidel
circa 1910s -
Portrait of Estella Porter
circa 1890s -
Class of 1878
1878 -
Elda and Leva Walker as children
1887 -
Portrait of Henry Spalding
circa 1850s -
Portrait of Rolley Peterson
circa 1920s