Drawings of Nebraska rock formations on the Oregon Trail


Drawings of Nebraska rock formations on the Oregon Trail


Drawings by Pherne Brown Pringle, the daughter of Tabitha Moffatt Brown, the 'Mother of Oregon.' These sketches feature rock formations in Nebraska, likely near Chimney Rock and Scotts Bluff, during her family's journey on the Oregon Trail. Copies of later drawings were accompanied in an album by journal entries of Pherne's husband, Virgil K. Pringle.
Virgil's journal described this area with awe on June 19th:
'Passed the Chimney in the forepart of the day; and the formation of the cliffs have a tendency to fill the mind with awe and grandeur. The Chimney might pass for one of the foundries in St. Louis were it blackened by burning stone coal. There is a marley bluff standing near it that reminds me of points that I have seen of the Capitol at Washington. Made 20 miles, and camped near Scott's Bluffs.'






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