Ralph Dimick Newspaper Clipping


Ralph Dimick Newspaper Clipping


A newspaper article about Pacific University alumni, Ralph Dimick's death. Dimick jumped from a window at St. Vincent's hospital in Beaverton, Oregon on October 22nd, 1911. He had been injured during a Pacific University alumni football game played in Forest Grove on October 14th, 1911. During the game, he fell on the ball and was tackled by several other players. The newspaper article indicates that he received internal injuries that led to pneumonia. He was hospitalized at St. Vincent's hospital and had been constantly supervised by two nurses. On the morning of October 22nd, Dimick had persuaded his nurses to leave the room. After which he jumped twelve feet down from the window and took off running. He eventually collapsed and died. Dimick attended Pacific University during the 1904-1905 school year. After which he transfer to Whitman College for three years. He went to Notre Dame for graduate school and was very active on their football team. He had ambitions to be a lawyer before his death. This article appears in a scrapbook compiled by Frances B. Clapp, a 1908 Pacific University graduate.







Bibliographic Citation

Ralph Dimick Newspaper Clipping, Frances B. Clapp Scrapbook (1911), 80, Pacific University Archives, Forest Grove, Oregon.


Still Image