Troy Dolyniuk oral history recording


Troy Dolyniuk oral history recording


An audio recording of an oral history of Detective Troy Dolyniuk on trends in crime and law enforcement in Hillsboro, Oregon from 1980-2005. There is a transcript of this interview. Detective Dolyniuk has worked with both Washington County Sheriff’s Office and Beaverton's. He joined Hillsboro's law enforcement team in 1993. Recently there has been an increase in Internet based crimes and methamphetamine problems. Computer fraud is being investigated by local police. However the issue of hacking into computer systems is handled at the federal level. Within the community, WinCo food store has had a large problem with fraudulent checks. Also as a result of the technological evolution, the rise in E-mail and IRC used in high tech child abuse has become a rising issue. Gangs are now utilizing the internet to commit fraud as well as purchase and sell drugs online. Cases can be difficult to investigate and prosecute as they sometimes cross state lines or happen outside of the U.S. Criminals have also been using computers to print counterfeit money; these bills often pass in garage sales and farmer’s markets where no one checks authenticity of bills. During 1998-2000 Dolyniuk worked the gang unit, MS 13 or Mara Salvatucha Trece is a paramilitary gang from El Salvador, based in Southern California but spreading throughout the United States. Brown Pride Locos is an up and coming small gang. Dolyniuk explains a horrible incident years back when the Brown Pride Locos shot a 12 year old girl on Main St. in Hillsboro. He goes on to discuss the recent spike in gang activity among younger kids – middle school and high school. He also touches on the 90’s methamphetamine made from pseudoephedrine and other household chemicals, and how it slowly became more widespread. Restrictive laws on pseudoephedrine in place around 2000.



1 sound cassette (1 hr., 15 min.)






In Copyright


Tanner, Stephanie



