Loggers peeling logs


Loggers peeling logs


Black and white image of a number of men working in the forest. Half a dozen or more men are peeling the bark from a large log at the right of the image, while another man with a full beard and a derby hat appears to supervise. Several teams of oxen and their drivers stand behind the group, ready to haul a log away from the forest. To the left of the image, two men stand several feet up on either side of a tree, balancing on a cross-cut saw that is embedded in the tree trunk. Though the specific location of these men is unknown, this would have been a familiar sight in the forests of Washington County and the Coast Range during the early 1900s. The image is from the Herbert McMullen bequest. McMullen was a local photographer who also collected photographs and images from around the area.

Date Created

circa 1900s-1910s


gelatin silver prints




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Still Image
