Tualatin Academy High School juniors, 1906


Tualatin Academy High School juniors, 1906


A group portrait of Tualatin Academy's Class of 1907, pictured here as third year (or junior) students during the 1905-1906 school year. Tualatin Academy was a college preparatory high school that was attached to Pacific University. The students are posing on the steps of Marsh Hall on the Pacific University campus in 1905 or 1906. The students are identified as follows, left to right, front to back: Pearl Greear, Lepha Marie Hawley, Willis Earl Jensen, Elsie Katherine Lathrop, John Robert Weatherred*, Maude Hollinger, Katherine Faye Corwin**, Helen Emma Bollinger, Thorgny Holmes, Lorena Constance Belknap, Mizpah Ione Abernethy, Fred Stuart Knight, Camilla Dix Abernethy, and Bertha Mary Kirkwood.
*A family descendant identified the man labelled here as "Weatherred" to be Daniel Bump, who was a Pacific University senior in 1906.
**Katherine Faye Corwin is listed in the Pacific University Catalogues as having been a second year student in the 1905-1906 school year.
[back] 3rd yr. Class of Tualatin Academy - 1906. Pearl Greer, Lepha Hawley, Willis Jensen, Elsie Lathrop, Bob Weatherred [note: actually Daniel D. Bump], Maude Hollinger, Faye Corwin, Helen Bollinger, Thorgney Holmes, Lorena Belknap, Mizpah Abernethy, Fred Knight, Camilla Abernethy, and Bertha Kirkward. Not graduating from T. A. because T. A. added a 4th year.

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