Is Part Of is exactly
Charles Lovell and Winnette Sears Walker Collection
Craftsman-style house
1900-1925 -
Portrait of Ona
1909-1910 -
Formal portrait of a woman wearing furs
1900-1920 -
Charles Walker family photograph
1912-1925 -
Child with two dogs
1900-1920 -
Winnette Sears and companions
1908-1909 -
Three men sit on a log in a field
1908-1909 -
A woman sits in a car
1912-1914 -
Grassy knoll
1900-1920 -
Portrait of two boys
1890-1900 -
Winnette or Bernice Sears portrait
1900-1915 -
A boy in front of a house
1900-1920 -
Two unidentified young men
1900-1915 -
Walter Sears and friend
1905-1920 -
Formal group portrait of Linfield College students
1904-1906 -
Minnie and Samuel A.T. Walker family portrait
1885-1888 -
Adelphic Fraternity Fourth Annual Banquet toasts and menu
1910 -
Outdoor group photograph
1915-1925 -
Small house near a railroad track
1900-1920 -
Two women in swimming costumes at Nye Beach
1905-1915 -
Outdoor group portrait
1910-1920 -
The Caniso Bunch of 1911
1911 -
Group portrait of sixteen unidentified men
1900-1920 -
Group at Nye Beach by the Nicolai Hotel